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A few annoying things I've dealt with while using discord fixed. Ubuntu w/ gnome-shell

Scale Factor fix

1. Scale factor: I set my desktop to 200% in gnome shell. Every once and a while discord will forget that it is supposed to be scaled up. Minimizing and maximizing fixes this but is also annoying.

To fix permanently you can add the following command line option to '/usr/share/applications/discord.desktop'

Exec=/usr/share/discord/Discord --force-device-scale-factor=2

Snap window

2. Snap window to left or right. It doesn't work with discord because it seems to want to be a certain size. While I can appreciate that, I don't care.

Add the following options to your discord ~/.config/discord/settings.json file:

  "MIN_WIDTH": 0, 
  "MIN_HEIGHT": 0, 

Restart discord

public/it/discord.1604673784.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/11/06 08:43 by